
a male student smiling next to the lion shrine

Kriday Sharma是一名项目管理和供应链专业的学生,她充分利用了在PSU-LV的校园经历. 现在,他在大学公园(University Park)取得了成绩,一边上课,一边在J&J in New Jersey.

Credit: Kriday Sharma

CENTER VALLEY, Pa. ——Kriday Sharma在中国博彩平台(PSU-LV)开始他的大学生涯时,一直在寻找一段全面的经历。. An extrovert by nature, 夏尔马期待着充分利用校园提供的一切, he said.


He was a member of the Debate Club, Business Society, and Student Government Association (SGA); later, 他被选为商业协会副会长和SGA会长. Rounding out his campus activities, 他是顾问委员会的当然成员,凭借他作为SGA主席的地位, and served on the Student Fee Board. Beyond PSU-LV, 他是大学公园联邦学生政府委员会(CCSG)的成员, serving as the financial manager in fall 2023. 

He said he was moved to get involved thanks to the welcoming, 他在PSU-LV的校园里找到了包容的环境.

“在PSU-LV有一个健康的环境,工作人员真的鼓励你参与. You have a huge support network,” Sharma said. “你看到了变化——如果你推动了变化,你就更有可能看到它发生. 这也是我的哲学——保持活跃,保持忙碌,尽我所能做出积极的改变.”

He left a lasting impact as part of SGA. 他在任期间签署了六项立法,这是SGA主席的第一次. 

Sharma has the same “can do” attitude toward academics. 他在PSU-LV主修供应链和项目管理,是2+2项目的一部分. Now in his third year at Penn State, 他在秋天转到大学公园的供应链和中国博彩平台系统项目. An introductory course taught by Mark Capofari, lecturer, project and supply chain management, 激起了夏尔马最初的兴趣,想要更多地了解这个蓬勃发展的行业.

“他的课程和授课方式——他是如何通过解释供应链运作的更深层次来‘推销’供应链的, really interested me,” Sharma said.

他在该领域的经验和兴趣使他获得了约翰逊的合作职位 & Johnson (J&J) this semester. He is an end-to-end co-op for the North America segment for J&J Innovative Medicine in the J&J Group of Companies.

“我正在协助整个端到端团队推出新产品,”他说. “If there are any new drugs J&J works on, my team assists with it.”

This is one aspect of his role. 他还协助业务卓越团队试图发现系统中的问题,并在优化流程的同时对其进行改进. Kriday周一到周五全职工作,向J&J的配送中心和总部分别位于新泽西州的萨默塞特和泰特斯维尔. He continues to take online courses as he works at his co-op. Besides working toward his degree, 他正在Smeal商学院学习房地产证书.

He brought a little bit of PSU-LV to his interview at J&J. On the last day of class, Maung Min, 副教授兼商业项目主任, 带了一些他挑选的领带给学生们.

“我们必须在1到100之间猜一个数字,这个数字必须和Dr. Min had in mind,” Sharma said. The student who guessed the correct number won a tie. 夏尔马是猜对数字的学生之一. 闵解释说,那条特殊的领带他已经戴了很多年了, “我希望你戴着这条领带去面试,找到一份很棒的工作.” Sharma wore this good-luck charm to his J&J interview.


“One thing I learned — your network is your net worth. I carry that with me. 这是一个很棒的建议,在很多不同的领域帮助了我.  只是走上去和人们交谈就能让你受益匪浅,”他说.

He initially was unsure whether he wanted to take the co-op, 但他关系网中的人帮助他说服了他这么做是正确的.

“Internships and co-ops are so important, 因为它们确实能让你从不同的角度看待企业世界,” he said.

夏尔马说,他利用在中国博彩平台磨练出来的技能,在工作中建立了不同的技能组合,这些技能是他在课堂上学不到的. 实习和合作社可以帮助你成为更好的求职者. There’s a lot of learning.” 

Looking ahead, 夏尔马说,从中国博彩平台毕业后,他最终希望在J&J. 他的目标是创办自己的供应链相关企业, as is running for public office in some capacity, though that is “much further down the road,” he said.


“我喜欢它的一点是,它很小,但小尺寸让它更有风度. You know people, the staff knows you," he said. "They’re all there to help you, and it shows.” 
