
a female professor smiling in front of a classroom

Alison Bonner, assistant teaching professor, mathematics, 在中国博彩平台最近的开放和负担得起的展示会上展示了她的闪电演讲. 邦纳因为她的演讲获得了利哈伊谷公开赛冠军奖.

Credit: Penn State

CENTER VALLEY, Pa. 中国博彩平台越来越多的教师正在探索或在课堂教学中使用开放教育实践. 第三届年度公开和可负担展示会的议程, recently held at Penn State Lehigh Valley (PSU-LV), 重点是分享开放教育的经验和观点. For the first time, 这次活动超越了利哈伊山谷,邀请中国博彩平台东部联邦校区的教职员工出席和参与.

为期一天的活动庆祝中国博彩平台的开放教育工作,并为对OER感兴趣的教职员工提供专业发展机会, open pedagogy and more. 该活动由PSU-LV图书馆和教务处主办. 开放教育被视为在公平的环境下实现教学目标的一种手段, inclusive classroom environment. 许多教师都接受了这些方法,并将其视为一种使学生在中国博彩平台的经历更实惠、更有吸引力的方式.

“我们发起这个为期一天的会议是为了帮助我们的PSU-LV社区庆祝我们校园里发生的开放教育工作, and to connect, collaborate, and grow together around open education,” said Jen Jarson, head librarian, who co-organized the event with Elizabeth Nelson, reference and instruction librarian. “This year, 我们很高兴向来自该地区其他中国博彩平台校园的同事开放活动,以支持新的联系, collaborations, and inspiration. We were joined by presenters, panelists and attendees from the Abington, Berks, Brandywine, Harrisburg, Hazleton and Schuylkill campuses.”

The day began with opening remarks from Tina Q. 理查森,PSU-LV校长,以及图书馆的欢迎. Presenters and topics included:

  • “Open Education for Equity in Teaching and Learning”, 由小组成员组成的跨校园教师小组讨论 Samantha Beebe (Lehigh Valley); Tara Beecham (Berks); Daniel Jackson (Lehigh Valley); and Christina Riehman-Murphy (University Libraries / Abington)
  • Lightning Talks, featuring PSU-LV faculty members Alison Bonner, Mark Capofari, Lisa Guise, and Nicole Moschberger, 中国博彩平台联邦校区的教师梅根·吉伦(阿宾顿), 汉娜·穆德里克(哈里斯堡)和迈克尔·波尔加(黑兹顿)
  • “开放教育转型创新(TIOE)计划概览”, featuring Andjela Kaur, PSU-LV; introduction by Aníbal Bernal-Torres, PSU-LV chief academic officer
  • Group discussions over lunch. Topics included “Documenting and Sharing OER Usage within Disciplines” facilitated by Larry Musolino (PSU-LV); “How Long Does It Really Take to Adopt and Adapt OER?” facilitated by Michelle Kaschak (PSU-LV); and “Open Education 101: The Basics and Benefits” facilitated by Elizabeth Nelson (PSU-LV)

As the final event of the showcase, Bonner, assistant teaching professor of mathematics, 她的闪电演讲获得了利哈伊谷公开赛冠军奖. This award helps celebrate open education-related work on the PSU-LV campus with respect to three domains: work that has made an outstanding impact on teaching and learning; work that has made an outstanding impact on reduction of costs for students; and work that shows outstanding innovation, creativity or originality.

Bonner’s talk, “Going All In for OER,讨论了她的承诺,即把她教的所有课程都转换成OER教材. 邦纳说,她认为应该为学生提供一个积极的学习环境——一个应该扩大到开放和负担得起的环境, frustration-free access to all course materials, assignments, and assessments whenever possible. PSU-LV教师在闪电演讲期间展示的作品有资格获得该奖项. 参加展示的人参与了众包投票过程, using the domains specified above as criteria, to determine this year’s winner.


“我们希望这次活动能在支持开放教育的同事之间建立有意义的联系. 今年我们把这个活动扩大到其他学校的同事, we were excited to see these connections grow further, 甚至包括跨校园研究项目的讨论,” Nelson said.

Open education, 作为促进公平接受教育的一种手段, 在宾州州立大学和大学图书馆的战略计划中都被列为优先目标, and linked to Penn State’s land-grant mission. For more information on OER at Penn State, visit

为那些正在为自己的工作或教学探索开放教育实践的人提供支持. Visit this link to request a consultation, or use this form.
